Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Of day camps and what feels like late summer....

This year my son has set a personal best for number of weeks of day camp attended.  He began in June with Youtheatre Rising Stars. He had a blast. It was two weeks, and downtown.  Then it was two weeks off from day camp, but going to Life Time Sports Academy, which offers golf, swim and tennis lessons on a drop in basis. It is at McMillen Park, which is on my way to work and about three miles from home. An easy ride.   Then it was on to Frank Park day camp, the grandaddy of day camps here in Fort Wayne.  About 2 miles the other direction.  Pete has been having a great time, let me tell you!   Last week was Salomon Farm camp.  It involved a daily bus ride and then a 3 mile bike ride through subdivisions and a bike trail. One way.  Mike got the bulk of those trips.  It meant getting Pete and  Mike (most days) out of the house just after 7:30 in the morning to go meet the bus.  Now that doesn't sound abysmal in many households, but it is earlier than we usually get rolling.  By Saturday, we all rolled over and slept in!

Summer Reading program ended last Friday, yet another sign that summer is winding up it's busy part and heading into August, which for our homeschooling family is a much more low key month.

Sunday was the last Sunday for Fr. Tom Shoemaker, the pastor at St. Jude.  Mike and Pete went to Mass and in the afternoon there was a sendoff party for him that we all went to.  He's a very good pastor and will leave a real hole in the community.   The weather was what was bizarre. I don't think it got to 70 all day.  It felt like October, not July.

It's still really cool.  I'm having a hard time keeping my mind on the fact that it is still July!  I feel like I should be winding summer down. But I'm nowhere's near ready to do that.  But I am glad Pete is on his last week of day camp.  This one is City Safari and it is also downtown.  This week's session focuses on the history of Fort Wayne.  The one fly in the ointment is that this is the one day camp that requires a child's shot records. Which I took yesterday when I went to pick Pete up.  Which weren't on the camp's form, so they wouldn't take them.  So today, I had to fax their form, and the shot records I already had back to the pediatrician's office for a signature on their form, to be attached to the form I already have, to be faxed back to day camp.  Reminds why I NEVER want to act like a bureaucrat, though as a public employee I probably qualify as one.

I'll look for some pictures to go with this post when I get home, but now it's time to pin on my name tag and go join the world of civil servants!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Summer finally arrived this weekend.  That's not to say we haven't had any beautiful warm weather days or even a few hot ones so far.  But this past weekend the heat and humidity arrived in tandem and a Midwest Summer was here in full force.

Pete and I staked out our seats for the Three Rivers Festival parade Saturday morning in the shade of a tall downtown building and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.   Mike had worked the overnight shift on Friday night so he was home sleeping in.

Sunday we checked out the Chalk Walk, Junk Food Alley and the Egg Drop at Science Central.   We got our annual family picture done with Domino and Shuba at Picture Your Pet.  Busy day.

Monday, Pete began Franke Park Day Camp.  Mike took him over and picked him up and then I met up with Pete.  We stopped for a snack and had decided to take the bus to soccer instead of riding because of the heat index.  We got a Subway sandwich after soccer and then took the bus back downtown and rode bikes home from there.  When we finally got home, I took Pete's backpack apart.  Wet long pants from playing in the creek, bits of leftover sandwich in the lunch bag, a buddy burner, tshirt for tie dying that he forgot to leave in his cubby,  and bunches of oak leaves in with his left over lunch.  Oak leaves?   Beats me!

This morning Pete and I rode over to Franke Park and then I rode to work.  I was good for about 12 miles this morning.