Tuesday, April 30, 2013

So why would cyclists need a garage?

Sometimes having a garage seems to confound people when they hear we don't have a car.  "What do you do with a garage then?"   Well, we do like millions of other Americans do - we store our stuff out there.  When we had a car, it always sat in the driveway.  This past Saturday we tackled a long overdue job and hauled everything out to the driveway.  Many things were tossed and recycled.  Some things were taken into the house to be sorted out later.  People stopped and offered to buy our bikes and wagon (thinking it was a yard sale). Heck, we had more offers Saturday then the last time we really did have a garage sale.

We found the missing drill (which will be put to work in another home improvement project soon.) I found diaries from my early teen years. (Haven't gone back to read through those yet.)  My son found his sidewalk chalk which had gone lost late in the summer.  Using his newly refound chalk, he set to work helping us maintain the new organization.

 First up was a "no parking" zone in front of the small door.  Now we can get in and out much easier!

Then each bike was assigned it's own parking space.

A walkway was drawn down the center of the garage. Camping, sports equipment and yard tools all have designated spots now too.

So what do we keep in our garage?  Why our transportation of course!

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