Saturday, June 15, 2013

The not so little yellow wagon  

Several years ago we bought  this wagon at Lowes.  Our  son had reached the awkward age of too big for the stroller (in his mind at least) but not really big enough to walk to a downtown festival and home again. The wagon was perfect. He could stretch out and fall asleep in it.  Over the years we have hauled groceries home in it, multiple preschoolers at a time, mulch, used it as a built in bench at picnics, and for fireworks, and hauled lots of yummy produce home from the farmers market.

Today the wagon got a double work out.  It made the trip to the Barr Street market this morning. We came home with a wagonful.  This evening  Pete and I ventured out to a car-free drive in movie at Cinema Center. The plan was that the food trucks and the people would all be out doors,in their own lawn chairs.  The threatened rain (which never did materialize) had the powers that be at Cinema Center deciding to show the movie indoors in the theater instead.  Which left us with a dilemma.  We had used the wagon to haul a camp chair and an exercise ball downtown.  Pete voted for sitting on an exercise ball instead of a camp chair.  A CC employee  kindly invited us to bring the wagon inside so it would be safe during the movie.  I folded down the sides and slid it under a table in the lobby and set the ball next to a sofa. We watched the movie and ate our popcorn.  Pete said he had a good time, but thought it would be even better under the stars.  Hopefully this will be a repeat event!

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