Monday, October 14, 2013


It's fully October now.  
10 year old in his natural position.
My son has had his birthday (we're still in Birthday Week at our house.)  The days have a chill at the  beginning and end, the trees are starting to turn.

Yesterday between his classes and soccer practice, Pete and I did a short hike through a local nature preserve.
Not a lot of colored leaves yet, but lots of  varieties of what I generically call "crab apples."  Pete wanted to make sure he got pictures of them.

Soccer practice started out fairly warm, but by the end the sun was fully down and I was really chilly. Course I was the parent standing on the sidelines watching, not one of the kids running around on the field working up a sweat!

This morning as I waited for the bus, I watched the river and saw the bit of remaining fog on the river.  I realized I do have one of the more photogenic bus stops in the city.

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